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Want to know what 80% of employers do before they invite you for an interview?

They Google you.

If this surprises you, then this article is exactly what you need to read. In today’s workforce, employers value transparency when recruiting and hiring candidates, so you need to make sure your online presence is clean and honest.

When employers search for you on Google, they don’t do it to intentionally find negative things about you. They simply want to get to know their applicants so they can better select candidates for an interview. This is why you need to take into consideration the top four things employers look for when they Google candidates:

1. A professional headshot

Whenever possible, employers want to know what their applicants look like. Make sure you have a professional photo of you on your online networks and website so employers can see you. This doesn’t have to be a photo taken by a professional, but it should be a photo of you in professional attire with good lighting.

2. Your online portfolio

The next things employers want to find out is how much of your work and accomplishments can be found online. An online portfolio is a great way to showcase what you’ve displayed on your resume and build credibility for yourself as a job seeker. This way, employers will have a better idea of what you accomplished and what you could do for their company once hired.

3. The size of your digital footprint

Employers also want to know how you present yourself and interact with others online. Research shows 96% of recruiters use LinkedIn to search for candidates. This should be an indicator that you should have a complete LinkedIn profile in addition to the other social networks you use. If you don’t have yourself connected to these online profiles, then you could be missed by employers when they search for job seekers in your field.

4. Your character and behavior

Not only do employers want to know your qualifications for the position, but they also want to know how you’d fit in with their culture. Employers Google candidates to assess their personalities and behavior online. They’ll often check to see whether or not you bad-mouth previous employers or coworkers online and the type of content you share.

The bottom line — employers want to assess your credibility

The purpose behind searching candidates on Google is to find out whether you are the professional you say you are in your resume and cover letter. By looking at the factors mentioned above, employers can find out whether or not you are a good candidate for their company. Plus, the more you care about your online presence and reputation, the more likely you are to land an interview when an employer Googles your name.